PwC HR Alumni

Your network for life

Are you a former PwC employee?

Stay in contact with us

Our alumni network helps PwC Croatia keep in touch with each other and the Firm and supports them by providing access to exclusive services and benefits. 

While working for PwC, you helped us to build our reputation and contributed to development of the company and its corporate identity. Although we are no longer in everyday contact, we would still like to develop our mutual relations further. All our former employees can contact us. We can provide you with access to an extensive PwC community, various sources of information and knowledge that were available to you during your employment with PwC, as well as to various benefits.


Benefits for alumni

As a valued member of our Alumni network, you will receive access to:

  • Newsletters - Access to the latest news, insights and special offers especially tailored for you. You can subscribe to receive our newsletter on topics of interest to you.

  • LinkedIn - Connect with your former PwC community, as well as with former colleagues, as we share news and insights from across the network

  • Career opportunities - Looking for a new opportunity? Find out about open roles within PwC

  • Events - Network with former colleagues, friends and peers. You’d be invited to selected business and social events, organised for all current and former PwC employees. Make the most of our event opportunities to reconnect and exchange ideas across the network and beyond. You can attend relevant professional workshops, sectoral events or third-party events co-organised by PwC. You can also get a discounted participation on some of the trainings and professional courses organised by the PwC's Academy.

Join our Alumni network

Do you want to get in touch with us and access to the benefits we mentioned?

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